Workouts for OCTOBER
Ready for Trick or Treat? Well get prepared with these scary Halloween moves... This month we are focusing on cardio! So that means bootcamp 15 repetitions of each of these moves will give you and adrenaline high and not a sweets high :)
Use a 10 pound dumbbell and do 15 repetitions on one leg than switch and do the next leg.
Xtreme Jumping jacks for 1 minute rest for 30 sec. repeat this 5 times. Exagerating the length of your legs while doing this.
Drop down to the floor and do leg raise ups. Feel the burn in your lower abdomen. This is where women mostly pound on the fat. This exercise will help you lose the belly bulge.
Test yourself! Try 30 sec. If you can go longer, do it! Test yourself for a minute. Make it more advanced try one leg up. Met that goal? Try doing one leg up to your elbow. Now that's a workout. Do this 20 times on each side.
Cardio burn! This will torch the calories. Do as many as you can for 30 sec. Take a break for 1 minute. Do another 30 sec. at full speed.
Squats...ugh these hurt! Make sure you get your form right. Squat down so your knees are parallel to your hip. Do this 20 times. Rest 1 minute. Do another 20. Make it harder? Try to stay down in your squat for 30 sec.
Second Trimester for Pregnant Woman:
A one week’s sample exercise program for a woman who is
in her 4-month pregnancy and has never exercised before.
Recommended exercise regimens should emphasize low-impact
activities such as stationary bicycling, swimming, walking, or low impact
aerobics. Aerobic activities such as these will keep you strong and healthy.
Relaxation techniques will help you tune into your body and be aware of the
limits and guidelines that will allow you to do exercises safely. Your pregnant client should be in touch with
her body to know what feels good and what doesn’t. From recent studies it is
okay for a woman who is pregnant to exercise 30 minutes daily or three times a
week at a moderate level. The key to
exercise during pregnancy is to take is slow and steady. You should warm up
before you exercise and stop if you feel short of breath or are in pain. Resistance
training moderate to light loads Keep your weight 5-12 pounds depending on the
exercise. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded stop.
Hand weights and sturdy chair build up with increments of 1
Can switch cardio on different days Mon, Weds. Fri.
Marching deep breaths in place with a low amount of weight.
5 mins
Walking for 5 to 10 mins. A pace that feels good for you
Swimming 10 mins.
Yoga or some type of relaxation stretching
Recommendations of different types of stretching is lower
back stretching in a side lying or hands and knees position, upper back, chest
and shoulder stretches in standing, seated, or hands and knees position. Neck
ROM stretches no excessive hyperextended positions, leg and hip stretches in
seated, side lying, or supported standing positions.
Trade off exercises every day:
Slow punching with weight deep breaths work on balance by
coming up on your toes. 5 mins
Overhead press come into a semi lunch and press up with arm
a small amount of weight. 5 mins
Overhead flys with small amount of hand weights 30 second
intervals, switch and repeat.
Stretching is necessary but avoid extreme exercises. Yoga is
a good mix. Supine position is not recommended. 10 mins
Rowing exercise with free weights with a lunge switch sides 30
sec. interval switch sides and repeat don’t forget deep breaths
Up the stairs act like your walking up the stairs. Cross
arms and elbows up align with your shoulders bring leg back into a lunge. 30 second intervals repeat if
Sit in chair biceps curls a rep of 15 three times with a low
weight. 30 sec. intervals and switch then repeat
Squat with low amount of weight and come back up if it is
hard on your knees don’t go down all the way. 30 second intervals switch sides
and repeat
Kicking toys exercise go on your side and rest your head in
your hand. Tap your up knee in front of you and act like you are kicking
something 30 second intervals, switch and repeat.
Ballet stretch, child’s pose, prayer position and other yoga
exercises should be at the end of workout remember deep breathes. These poses you can work on kegels as well.